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JobSeeker COVID supplement extended beyond 2020

November 12th, 2020

The Federal Government is extending the JobSeeker scheme until 31 March 2021, but it will continue at a lower rate. 

The overall fortnightly payment, which was set to expire around Christmas, will be cut from $815 per fortnight to $715 per fortnight from 1 January 2021. The $100 reduction comes off the coronavirus supplement rate, which will go down to $150. The base payment rate remains unchanged. 

The JobSeeker payment and coronavirus supplement top-up were first introduced in March to help those who lost their jobs due to COVID-19, replacing the Newstart allowanceThe payment was first cut in September from its initial rate of $550 to $250 per fortnight.  

In his announcement about the JobSeeker extension, Prime Minister Scott Morrison emphasised the temporary nature of the support and said, As the country is safely reopening … we need to connect those seeking work with available jobs. 

He also confirmed that JobSeekerare still able to earn up to $300 a fortnight before their social security payments are reduced. In September, changes to payment rates and eligibility for the JobKeeper wage subsidy made it possible for more people to receive both types of support payments.  

To find out more visit www.servicesaustralia.gov.au.