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Income Protection cover provides you with a monthly income for up to two years if you can’t work for a long period because you are sick or injured. You can receive up to 85% of your salary while you are off work (depending on your level of cover). This way you don’t have to think […]

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Accessing super early

Generally, you can only access your super when you permanently retire. However, there are some circumstances when you may be allowed early access to your super, such as under severe financial hardship or compassionate grounds. ACCESSING YOUR SUPER ON FINANCIAL HARDSHIP To be eligible for release of your superannuation benefit on the grounds of financial […]

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Co-contribution 2016/17

Let the Government top up your super in the 2016/2017 financial year by taking advantage of the co-contribution scheme, where you could be eligible to receive up to $500 tax-free. If you’re earning less than $51,021 a year and you make an after-tax, voluntary contribution to your super, you could be eligible to receive a […]

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When we talk about your superannuation investments, we often use the term ‘market volatility’. That’s because it affects how your money is performing more than almost anything else. What is market volatility? Market volatility refers to the frequency and the scale of stock market movements, both up and down. The bigger the price swing, and […]

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Here’s a look at what’s been happening in investment markets recently and what it means for your superannuation. The big picture Since late January 2022, share markets have experienced considerable volatility. These sharp, sudden drops were reactions to increasing inflation in the US and other economies. If we look back to April 2021, inflation already […]

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That’s according to superannuation regulator APRA’s (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority) annual performance test, which measures super fund performance and holds underperforming funds to account. First Super passed the 2021 test with flying colours. In fact, our default MySuper product (the Balanced option) scored in the top 10 of the 80 funds that were tested. Isn’t […]

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The Federal Budget 2022

What does it mean for your super and pension? There were no big surprises for the super industry in this year’s federal budget. Super and pension members can expect to see the following changes (which were originally proposed in 2021) start coming into effect from 1 July 2022. Superannuation and retirement First Home Super Saver […]

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FROM THE CEO: MID-YEAR INVESTMENT UPDATE Below is a performance update for the six months to 31 December 2021. First Super built on the impressive returns for the first half of the 2021 calendar year, with the superannuation Balanced option returning 4.99% for the period 1 July to 31 December, and 13.10% for the 12 […]