Looking after yourself

Redundancy can be a shock and it’s important to remember the job has become redundant, not you. Look after your physical and mental health during this time and reach out for support if you need it.

To speak to someone immediately

Job search portal

Free online, phone and face-to-face support.

Call 13 11 14

Information on finding and applying for work

Free support on anxiety and depression.

Call 1300 22 46 36

Information on finding and applying for work

Relationship support for individuals and families.

Call 1300 364 277

To read through information at your own pace

What’s Next?

Information about how to stay positive and healthy while you look for a job, and support services that can assist you.

What’s Next?
Taking care of yourself after losing your job

Taking care of yourself after losing your job

This booklet contains a range of information including dealing with the emotional impact of losing your job, taking care of your family, problem solving and budgeting.

Need support? Get in touch today.

If you have questions about redundancy and your super call 1300 360 988 or request a callback from our experienced local co-ordinators.