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Have you combined your super yet?

December 15th, 2020

Why not set yourself an easy “super to-do list” to close out 2020 – or open your new year on the front foot?

If you have super with another fund, consider rolling it into First Super.

Here are the major benefits.

  • You’ll only pay one set of fees. Multiple sets of fees can eat away at your account and leave you with less for retirement.
  • Your super is all in the one place, which makes it easier to keep track of – and also easier to use the way you want to. What do we mean by this?
    1. If you’re a keen investor who likes to choose their own investments, having a larger amount of money in one place gives your super more growing power.
    2. If you’re eligible for automatic insurance through First Super, your account needs to reach at least $6,000 for this to kick in. Depending on your situation, this could be a valuable safety net, and with all your super in one place your insurance may start sooner.

Check this is right for you first

We want you to make the best financial decision for you, not us, so before combining your super, do a quick check. Will you lose any insurance cover or other benefits that may apply elsewhere? Do you need to consult a qualified financial advisor for assistance?

Once you’re happy combining your super is the right move for you, we can help you track down your other super in a few simple steps.

How to combine your accounts into First Super

Need help?

We can also help you combine your super over the phone, or answer any of your other super questions. Get in touch by calling 1300 360 988 or email us.