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Workplace restrictions and ongoing support

September 14th, 2020

The Victorian Government recently extended the current coronavirus restrictions and released a roadmap for reopening under COVID Normal settings, subject to health advice.

To help ensure you’re fully across the existing restrictions for your workplace, and any opportunities for government assistance, we have recapped some key resources below:

  • Victorian Government. Stay across the workplace restrictions for Metro Melbourne and Regional Victoria, know what your restriction level means, and ensure you know how to keep your workplace COVIDSafe.
  • Business Support Package and Business Survival and Adaptation Package. Here you’ll find an overview of the previously announced business support packages, some of which are still available, as well as the new $3 billion package to help affected businesses survive and prepare for COVID Normal.
  • business.gov.au and Australian Government Treasury. These nationwide services outline the assistance available to you, such as the soon-to-change JobKeeper payments, and may be of particular assistance if your workforce extends beyond Victoria.

You can visit our coronavirus support page for employers for all of the above resources, and more.