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Workplace education sessions: have you booked yours?

March 10th, 2020

Changes to insurance in super being introduced on 1 April are leaving some super members confused. This makes it the perfect time to book a “lunch and learn” session to help your workers make the most of their super.

First Super helps our employers – as the ones who make Superannuation Guarantee contributions – to support their staff to make good decisions around managing their super savings and insurance benefits.

Our Member and Employer Services Coordinators and Business Development Managers have been busy in the first few weeks of 2020 delivering workplace education sessions, which cover the changes to insurance and other super basics.

They are available to deliver super education sessions to your employees and provide general advice on our products and other super matters, as well as helping with your own queries about employer super obligations and administration.

Feedback has been really positive, with attendees reporting back how the sessions had helped them better understand their super options and how to maximise their savings, for example, by taking advantage of the Government Co-contribution if they earn under $53,564 a year.

For more details on how First Super can assist you and your employees at your workplace, or for any other super queries, please contact the Employer Services Team by email at employers@firstsuper.com.au.