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Help your staff make the most of their super: getting a good deal

June 6th, 2019

The super contributions you make for your employees are one of the most valuable benefits they receive. But are they making the most of these savings?

When it comes to super, there are a few easy ways that can help people stay on track with their retirement savings.

Below are four quick tips for checking if you’re getting a good deal from a super fund, which you can share with your employees.

Are you getting a good deal from your super fund – 4 things to check:

  1. Fees – the lower the fees, the more money stays in your super account to be invested. First Super, for example, does not charge fees for general and intra-fund financial advice. You can find our fees in our Product Disclosure Statement documents.
  2. Returns – look at the fund’s investment performance over 5 to 10 years, not just last year’s best performer. First Super’s monthly returns and past returns are published here.
  3. Service – what does the fund offer in terms of advice, education, and support both over the phone and online? More details about First Super’s offering are here.
  4. Investment options – does the fund offer options that match your comfort with risk and suit your needs? And doing this is now so easy, as funds supply these details on their website, in their product disclosure statements, or over the phone. First Super offers 5 investment options – see the web page for details.

Got a super issue? First Super is here to help your business

End of financial year and start of a new financial year are great times to book in a super session for your workers, as well as to get on top of your superannuation administration.

First Super has a team of Business Development Managers and Member and Employer Services Coordinators based around the country. They can visit your workplace to help with employer super queries, provide general advice, and to deliver super education sessions to your employees.

To book a call or meeting, or for any other super queries, contact the Employer Services Team on 1300 943 171 or mail@firstsuper.com.au.