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Is your super working hard enough for you?

August 31st, 2018

When you receive your Annual Statement, it’s the perfect time to do a health check on your super account and the rest of your financial situation.

No matter your age, it’s important to make sure your super savings are invested in the right option for your circumstances. And if you’re not sure where to start, First Super can help.

The Fund’s solid investment returns for 2017/18 are just part of the picture. It’s also about your comfort with risk versus return for making the right investment choice, and making sure you put enough money in while you’re working to give you what you’ll need for when you retire – as far away as that may seem!

At First Super, we have a team of Financial Planners who can help you plan and set up the right super strategy for you. They can help you:
• Take control of your super to give you the best possible retirement
• Decide which investment option is right for growing your savings over the long term
• Understand the First Home Super Saver scheme
• Make the most of government and tax allowances
• Help ensure you and your family are well protected.

This task might not sound too exciting now, but it could make a massive difference to your finances in the future, when you’re no longer working and need to replace your wage.

To find out about First Super’s advice options or to make an appointment with one of our Financial Planners, contact the Member Services Team on 1300 360 988 or email mail@firstsuper.com.au. Otherwise you can request help online here.