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March 29th, 2016

Why financial advisors aren’t just for the wealthy

Financial advice can feel out of reach for many of us. We simply assume that financial advice is for people with big bank accounts and lots of companies – especially given the fees.

The reality of financial advice is actually very different – and with the help of your super fund, limited advice is a lot more accessible.

Did you know that First Super has an accredited financial expert on its team? .You can take advantage of a number of types of advice offered.

Our general advice service is free and covers explanations about insurance, investment options, contributions and pensions. Want to know more about member benefits at First Super? This is classified as general, too, and can be sorted by calling your Service Centre on 1300 360 988.

If you’re after something a bit more personal, our free infrafund advice may be what you’re after. This includes some personal financial advice on investment strategy and what kind of insurance suits you best.

Finally, we also offer full personal advice at lower cost than you might expect, which requires a fee after the first free consultation. This is delivered through one of our licensed financial planners and can pertain to anything from helping you plan for your family’s future or your transition into retirement.

Financial advice can be important at many stages of life. The purchase of a first home or the birth of a child, the breakdown of a marriage are all scenarios which often cause a significant change to a financial situation and may require planning.

Not only is financial advice affordable through First Super, it may help you to save a lot of money in the long run. To inquire about our financial services, head to the First Super website.

First Super commissioned The New Daily to research and write this article. The views expressed are of The New Daily.

This publication was issued by First Super Pty Ltd (ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL 223988), as Trustee of the First Super superannuation fund (ABN 56 286 625 181). It does not consider your personal circumstances and may not be relied on as financial advice. Content was accurate at the date of issue, but may subsequently change