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Media Statements

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On the 30th Anniversary of Australia’s compulsory superannuation system, First Super has released data showing that its Coffs Harbour members who joined the fund in 1992 have an average account balance of $163,443 – above the national average for superannuation accounts of $106,162*. First Super comes out of the furniture, pulp and paper and timber […]

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On the 30th Anniversary of Australia’s compulsory superannuation system, First Super has released data showing that its Latrobe Valley members who joined the fund in 1992 have an average account balance of $251,976 – above the national average for superannuation accounts of $106,162*. First Super comes out of the furniture, pulp and paper and timber […]

Media Statements     

On the 30th Anniversary of Australia’s compulsory superannuation system, First Super has released data showing that its northern Tasmanian members who joined the fund in 1992 have an average account balance of $172,345 – above the national average for superannuation accounts of $106,162*. First Super comes out of the furniture, pulp and paper and timber […]

Media Statements     

On the 30th Anniversary of Australia’s compulsory superannuation system, First Super has released data showing that its Mt Gambier members who joined the fund in 1992 have an average account balance of $190,277 – above the national average for superannuation accounts of $106,162*. First Super comes out of the furniture, pulp and paper and timber […]

Media Statements     

  First Super is warning people to be aware of a new scam that started after the Federal Government’s announcement to allow early access to super to help people through the COVID-19 crisis. Eligible super fund members will be able to access up to $10,000 of their superannuation savings before 1 July 2020, and another […]

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Australian families will stand to lose nearly $250,000 in retirement savings if the push to cut the super increase by a group of backbench MPs is successful, new analysis reveals. Some Federal backbenchers want the Government to cut the promised increased in super contributions, breaking a key election promise and denying local families the retirement […]

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First Super has again delivered strong long-term results for members, with an annual return for the 2018/19 financial year of 6.70% for its default option, and five and ten-year returns of 8.68% and 8.84% respectively. First Super is the industry super fund for workers in the timber, pulp and paper, and furniture and joinery industries. […]

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First Super is celebrating after being named a Gold Winner in Money Magazine’s Best of the Best 2019 awards. The national industry super fund for the furniture and joinery, pulp and paper, and timber sectors won the Best Capital Stable Super Fund category for its Conservative Balanced option. In addition, the Fund scored second place in […]