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Just over half of Australians aren’t saving any of their monthly income1, and five key outgoings are the main culprits. A recent survey revealed that everyday bills – rent, home loans, shopping, dining out and socialising; and school/daycare – are Australians’ top five savings barriers2. Industry super fund-owned bank ME reveals what you can do […]

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New laws mean that if your First Super account hasn’t received a payment for 16 months and the balance is below $6,000, then we may need to transfer it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on 31 October. Under the Protecting Your Super Package legislation, super funds had to identify inactive low-balance inactive accounts on […]

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First Super has again delivered strong long-term results for members, with an annual return for the 2018/19 financial year of 6.70% for its default option, and five and ten-year returns of 8.68% and 8.84% respectively. First Super is the industry super fund for workers in the timber, pulp and paper, and furniture and joinery industries. […]

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After a volatile first half of the 2018/19 financial year, investment returns between 1 January and 30 April 2019 have boosted your Fund’s performance. Volatility in Australian and international share markets between October and December 2018 meant that First Super’s investments – like those of other super funds – posted negative returns. Since then, the […]

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First Super has been sending communications to particular groups of members to raise awareness of the incoming Protecting Your Super Package (PYS) laws and what they mean for them. The PYS Package was introduced by the Federal Government in February 2019, and is effective from 1 July. It means that super funds must follow new […]

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First Super will soon be sending out your mid-year statement – an update on your super savings and investment performance as at the halfway point of this financial year. In the coming days, you will receive your statement in the mail, as well as your e-statement if you have selected that option. The statements include […]

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The final report from the banking royal commission has shifted focus to the financial literacy of everyday Australians, and how banks may have historically taken advantage of a general lack of knowledge. It’s estimated that less than half of the country’s population has a basic knowledge of finance, and how it all works. In 2016, […]

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Corporate espionage, political power plays, and the ever-present threat of climate change made 2018 a whirlwind year for stock markets, buffeting super funds and stifling their returns. The average balanced super fund option finished 2018 with a flat return, and several had month-on-month dips into negative territory. That left many fund members understandably concerned about […]