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You might want 2021 to be the year in which you eat healthier, learn a new skill or land the job of your dreams. But it’s also an opportunity to ditch your bad money habits. One in five households relying on wages or a salary couldn’t raise $2000 within a week for an emergency, according […]

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Academics and industry insiders have again urged the federal government to go ahead with the legislated increases in the superannuation guarantee (SG), arguing that most balances are inadequate to fund a decent retirement. In a recent opinion piece for The Australian Financial Review, the minister responsible for superannuation, Senator Jane Hume, reignited the debate by […]

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Super advice for the season

You’re never too young or too old for some quality advice about your super. But sometimes it’s not easy to know where to start – or even what to ask. To give you a better understanding of the advice services we offer, here’s a breakdown of some of the topics we help our members tackle. […]

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Looking to contribute extra to your super but not sure how to go about it? One of the easiest ways to boost your balance is by “sacrificing” part of your salary into super. Salary sacrifice is where you give up (sacrifice) part of your pre-tax pay to make additional contributions to your super account. Your […]

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Freezing the superannuation guarantee (SG) in 2014 failed to deliver higher wages for workers and could cost the average full-time worker $45,000 at retirement, according to new research. Months after Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he would “carefully consider” whether to go ahead with the legislated plan to lift the SG as scheduled in July 2021, Industry […]

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Australia’s superannuation system has dropped to fourth place in the annual Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index. It was edged off the podium by newcomer Israel, and trailed the Netherlands and Denmark in first and second places. While Australia still earned a respectable ‘B’ on its report card, the economic fallout of COVID-19 has added […]

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First Super has won two 2020 Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) awards at a virtual award ceremony.  In its 39th year, the awards for “Marketing Excellence” celebrate individuals and organisations Australia-wide who demonstrate success through innovative and effective marketing.   First Super was the recipient of two state awards for its “Don’t be crazy! Find your lost super” […]

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With last Tuesday’s Federal Budget, the Government looked to tackle the economic impacts of the coronavirus, bringing forward proposed income tax cuts and introducing a new wage subsidy. Somewhat unexpectedly, a package of superannuation reforms was also included. The “Your Future, Your Super” reforms could see members being “stapled” to one super fund for life. […]