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So your business is up and running and you’ve set up a Facebook business page account. A few months go by and you’ve barely had a hit. What are you doing wrong? Follow these tips to maximise your exposure, generate followers and potential sales. Tip1: Housekeeping First thing’s first: You need to create a Facebook […]

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The government has made a number of changes to superannuation this financial year, which are designed to improve the system for all Australians. While these changes may not affect you now, it’s important to be aware of them should your circumstances change in the future. Recent major changes to the super system include: changes to […]

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Three out of four Australians believe a stylish home is the key to personal fulfilment. Do you aim to make your home Instagram worthy? Dream of having a lounge room that would sit proudly on Pinterest home decor? If you answered “yes” to these questions, you could be among the 76% of Australians who say […]

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Moving a loved one into aged care can be an emotional time for families. Finding a facility that provides the right balance of care and independence at an affordable cost presents challenges. There are key issues families should be aware of before taking this important step. A well-researched choice will help avoid stress and ease […]

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Retirement planning and superannuation in Australia dates back to the early 1900s. As is the case today, initial schemes were established to provide for people in retirement. Fast forward a century and the complexity of superannuation has spawned a whole new industry dedicated to growing and protecting savings wealth for use in later life, or […]

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Some people find writing a will too difficult to contemplate, while others have simply never made the time. The reality is, it’s an issue that anyone who wants control over their finances after they die should confront. Like instruction manuals, wills are a step-by-step guide on how your assets should be handled. Dying without a […]

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Introduced in 1992, Superannuation Guarantee (SG) – that is, the compulsory superannuation system for Australian employees – remains highly topical more than two decades on. Changes to the super system are constant, and add complexity to the process for the superannuation industry, advisers, and of course employers and employees. Public and parliamentary debate about elements of […]

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We put interest-only loans under the spotlight to explain the why, when and how this type of loan can be useful. You may be aware that interest-only loans came under the scrutiny of banking watchdog APRA early in 2017. In a bid to take the heat out of the property market and protect consumer interests, […]