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As you consider options to provide for your loved ones after your death, you may be wondering if funeral insurance is right for you, or whether you should rather opt for a more comprehensive life insurance policy. Answering the question of which insurance is better, you need to understand the difference between funeral insurance and […]

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Member AGM 2018

Members and employers heard about First Super’s strong 2017/18 performance at its AGM (annual general meeting) in Sydney on 31 October. This year’s event location, Parramatta, was chosen as it’s central to one of the heartlands of Fund members and industries in New South Wales. First Super CEO Bill Watson gave the main presentation of […]

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First Super has just released its 2017/18 Annual Report. The publication marks 10 years since the Furniture Industry Retirement Superannuation Trust, the Pulp & Paper Workers’ Superannuation Fund and the Timber Industry Super Scheme merged in July 2008 to become First Super. Inside this year’s report, you’ll find highlights of the year, an overview of […]

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If you’re looking ahead to retirement, but you’re unsure about planning your finances, First Super has an upcoming event designed for you. The earlier you start planning for your eventual retirement from work, the more options you have to achieve the income and lifestyle you’re hoping for. Our financial planners are heading to Traralgon next […]

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First Super CEO Bill Watson gives a summary and his thoughts of the recent Financial Services Royal Commission hearings into superannuation funds. “The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry has uncovered constant and ongoing misconduct and conduct falling below community standards and expectations over many years by retail superannuation […]

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First Super has delivered another year of robust investment performance for its members, reporting annual returns of 10.68% in the Balanced (default) option, 11.90% in Growth, and 13.91% in Shares Plus*. First Super’s cash option also performed strongly, returning 2.31% over 2017/18. The Growth option return saw First Super outperform most other superannuation funds in […]

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Most members should receive their annual statements by the end of September 2018. What type of account do you have? When will you receive your statement? Super Fund From Wednesday 5 September 2018 Pension Fund From Monday 3 September 2018 If you became a member after 30 June 2018, you won’t receive a statement. You […]

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“You may have heard or read that the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry begins its superannuation-focused hearings in Melbourne on 6 August. First Super has not been called to give evidence at the hearings. “Ahead of the hearings, the Royal Commission asked First Super (along with other financial […]