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Not-for-profit superannuation funds have higher returns than retail bank-owned funds over time while also being less risky, new research from Chant West has shown. Not-for-profit funds, which include industry, public sector and corporate funds, have produced average returns over 15 years for the growth option (61-80 per cent growth assets) of 7.8 per cent. Retail funds meanwhile […]

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Investment update

January 2019’s investment returns provided a welcome boost to our Fund’s performance after a volatile period for share markets. The 2018/19 financial year got off to a positive start. Then followed volatility in Australian and international share markets between October and December 2018, which meant that First Super’s investments – like those of other super […]

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Parliament passed new laws relating to superannuation in February, which will affect members who have inactive super accounts. The Treasury Laws Amendment (Protecting Your Superannuation Package) Bill 2018 looks to automatically consolidate (or combine) inactive low-balance members’ balances through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to prevent their savings from being eaten into by fees or other […]

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First Super is celebrating after being named a Gold Winner in Money Magazine’s Best of the Best 2019 awards. The national industry super fund for the furniture and joinery, pulp and paper, and timber sectors won the Best Capital Stable Super Fund category for its Conservative Balanced option. In addition, the Fund scored second place in […]

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First Super a “fit cat”

Fund manager Stockspot has just published its Fat Cat Funds Report 2018 – its sixth annual assessment of superannuation funds. This review looks at the performance of Australia’s largest super funds to help Australians understand the factors that matter most when choosing a fund, and to draw attention to the impact of high fees on […]

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If you’ve got nagging doubts that you could be saving more, then you’re not alone. Industry super fund-owned bank ME highlights five red flags that suggest it could be time to start squirreling away a little more, with tips to boost your savings. 1. You’re living payday to payday Who doesn’t love payday? But if […]

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A new independent body has been established to help consumers seek justice if they believe they have been treated unfairly by banks, insurers and other financial services providers. The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), a new “one-stop shop” for Australian consumers to resolve problems with various providers, launched on 1 November. The Government first proposed […]

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The New Daily’s YourSuper Editor, Rod Myer, reports on new research that reveals how much people are receiving as retirement lump sums on and how they are spending this money. For many people the day they retire and take their superannuation is the day they receive the biggest unencumbered windfall of cash they have seen […]