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Financial support beyond super

September 15th, 2020

It can be overwhelming making financial decisions right now, especially if you’re struggling with the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. But seeking help and taking action now can go a long way to getting things under control and, eventually, back on track.  

Check out these websites and online tools for a helping hand: 

  • MoneySmart outlines steps you can take to look after yourself and your money, including making super and investment decisions, accessing government assistance, and getting debt under control. 
  • The National Debt Helpline can help you if you’re in financial distress. Along with general services, iprovides COVID-19 specific resources, and access to free and independent financial counsellors.  
  • If your working hours have been affected by the pandemic, try our Income Budget Calculator to identify any gaps in your income and discover ways to reduce household expenses. 

We’re here to help 

If you need help with your super at any time, contact our Member Services Team.