Do you have an inactive super account? Keep it with First Super.
Do you have an inactive super account? Keep it with First Super.
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Inactive super accounts

Stop your super being transferred to the ATO

Inactive super accounts are at risk of being transferred to the ATO unless you take action.

What is an ‘inactive super account?’

This is a super account where the balance is below $6,000 and has not received a contribution for 16 months.

Under government laws to stop low balance super accounts from being eaten away by fees, inactive superannuation accounts will be transferred to the ATO.

Four simple ways to keep your super with First Super

Don’t want your account to be transferred? It’s easy to keep your savings with First Super. Just take one of the following actions.

1. Tell your employer

To pay your super into your First Super account. Complete the Choice of Fund form to make this happen.

2. Make a voluntary contribution

To your account through firstonline or fill out the Contribution form to make this happen.

3. Combine your super accounts

Into one account and you’ll save paying multiple account fees.* Log into your firstonline account to find and combine your accounts online with First Super. It’s quick and simple.

4. Complete an ATO declaration form

To keep your account active for another 16 months by completing the ATO Declaration Form.

*Before making a decision to combine your super you should consider any costs, change to insurance cover, or loss of benefits that may apply and consider consulting a financial adviser.


What happens if My Super Account is transferred to the ATO?


  • Combined accounts
    The ATO will try to track down an active super account that you are making contributions into and roll your First Super savings into this account.
  • Fees
    You won’t pay any fees on ATO-held amounts, so your balance won’t be reduced. Stay with First Super and combined fees are capped at 3% of account balance for balances under $6,000.


  • Low investment returns
    If the ATO can’t find another super fund, they will hold onto your super. Your retirement savings will not benefit from investment returns typically achieved by super funds. Instead, you will earn interest based on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), also known as the rate of inflation. We delivered returns of 9.44% for our Balanced option in 2022/23 and over the last ten years the average return has been 7.83%1.

Why should I stick with First Super?

  • Long-term performance. In 2022/23 we delivered a 9.44% return for our Balanced option1.
  • We’re an Industry Super Fund. Our profits go straight back to members, not shareholders.
  • Affordable insurance through your super account which can protect you and your loved ones.
  • Competitive fees, so more money goes towards your retirement savings.
  • Service to members, including local coordinator support and financial advice included in your fund membership


What is the legislation and why was it introduced?

In 2019, the government introduced new legislation to reduce multiple superannuation accounts many Australians have. Having multiple accounts means paying multiple fees and charges which can erode retirement savings especially with low balance accounts. The new legislation proactively brings together old low balance superannuation accounts with the current one.

If you haven’t added money to your First Super account for 16 months and it has less than $6,000 in it, by law, First Super must send your superannuation account to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

However, you won’t be affected if any of the following actions have been taken within the 16-month period:

• made a contribution
• changed your investment option
• updated your insurance cover (e.g. increased cover amount)
• completed and submitted a binding Nomination of Beneficiary Form and/or
• completed and submitted an ATO Declaration Form.

How do I know if the ATO has my super and how do I get it back?

ATO-held super refers to money in super which the ATO holds for you. There are several reasons why money may have been transferred over to the ATO including inactive low-balance super accounts. You can claim or consolidate ATO-held super once you’ve met certain conditions. Once approved you can transfer ATO-held super to a super fund of your choice.

  • Sign into your myGov account to find if you have ATO-held super
  • You can use ATO online services or ATO app to nominate a super fund you would like to transfer money to.
  • Or contact the ATO over the phone if you don’t have access to their online services.

Find out more about ATO-held super.

When will my account be transferred to the ATO?

First Super is required to report and transfer inactive accounts to the ATO twice a year on 31 October and 30 April.


What happens if my First Super account is transferred to the ATO?

If your First Super account is transferred to the ATO, you will lose your insurance inside super and miss out on future investment returns.

These accounts won’t pay any fees on ATO-held amounts and will receive investment returns for interest paid based on the Consumer Prices Index (CPI). The ATO will proactively reunite unclaimed super money held for you into one of your active super accounts.

How can I check my First Super account?

Register and login into our member portal, firstonline or call our Member services team on 1300 360 988.

Firstonline is a safe and secure way for you to manage your First Super account online. With firstonline you can update your personal details, check your account balance, view your investment options, nominate beneficiaries and change your insurance cover.

We’re here to help. So let’s talk.

If you have any questions, simply call our Member Services  on 1300 360 988, or email us.

1 Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.