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Time to enjoy

Time to enjoy     Time to invest     

How to save money on food and reduce waste This is crazy. One in two Australian households say they have no cash to spare at the end of each month – yet we collectively toss out up to $10 billion in food each year. That makes it time to embrace ways to save money on […]

Time to enjoy     

With speculation rising about higher interest rates, now’s the time to get on top of your home loan. Current interest rates are at record lows in Australia – and that means there’s plenty of scope for an interest rate rise. In fact, worries about possible future rate hikes are a leading cause of concern among […]

Time to enjoy     

Why money smarts matter

Financial literacy isn’t just about understanding good money management. It can also help us recognise the tell-tale signs to avoid getting ripped off. We all like to think we can pick a great deal from a dud. But when it comes to money matters that’s not always the case. As a guide, only two out […]

An offer to help you get your superannuation money early might seem like a great idea. But if you agree to it you could end up in a lot of trouble, according to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Andrew Jewell, First Super’s Financial Advice & Education Manager explains the changes to the Concessional Contributions Cap and what it means to your Super. Recently, some members have been asking me what impact the reduction in the Concessional Contribution cap will have on their salary sacrifice contributions. There is a wider implication especially where the […]

While there is no need to use a lawyer to make an insurance claim through your super fund, some people decide to do so. That means it’s important to know when to involve a lawyer and what to watch out for when hiring a lawyer. There is no need to use a lawyer to lodge […]

If you don’t pay your credit card off each month, follow these simple steps to take control of debt.  Are you a ‘revolver’ or a ‘transactor’? Credit card holders can be largely divided into two camps – revolvers, who don’t pay off their card in full each month, and transactors, who always pay off their […]

Almost a third of Australian workers are being shortchanged on their super, a joint study by Industry Super Australia and Cbus report has claimed. The sheer scale of unpaid super is affecting thousands of a comfortable retirement and has prompted the Federal Government to investigate. Employers must contribute at least 9.5 per cent to the […]