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Investment Update     Latest News     Video     Newsletters     

From The CEO, Bill Watson For First Super and its 50,000 members, the 2022/23 financial year was a year of positive investment returns and Fund growth. We outperformed many larger funds with our investment returns. The MySuper/Balanced accumulation option, where most of our members’ super is invested, returned 9.44% for 2022/23.1 Pleasingly, our Balanced Accumulation […]

Investment Update     Latest News     

Your Fund continued to deliver strong returns in 2023, despite market uncertainty. We achieved positive returns for all investment options and outperformed several larger funds. Our Balanced option was a top 10 performer over the last three years, according to rankings from superannuation ratings agency SuperRatings to 30 June 20231. Investment option Investment returns from […]

Investment Update     Latest News     

Here’s a look at what’s been happening in investment markets recently and what it means for your superannuation. The big picture Our last update questioned whether all the rapid interest rate rises by central banks across the globe were having the desired impact. Data suggests inflation is slowing but remains high and needs to come […]

Investment Update     Latest News     

In this May market update, Wayne Sullivan and KCC Low say there have been further rate hikes by central banks and more bank collapses. In the US, labour markets are still strong and inflation is still elevated but slowing, and bank lending conditions have tightened materially which is expected to lead to the economy slowing […]

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First Super member Ray Kilsby works as a boiler attendant in Mount Gambier. He joined the Fund five years ago and has been a member ever since. About First Super, he says: ‘I love the returns that they’re giving me.’ Ray has also taken financial advice from a First Super financial planner*, because he wanted […]

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More money for your super

Super Guarantee increase Did you know that from 1st July 2023, the minimum amount your employer must pay into your super – known as the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) – has increased from 10.5% to 11%?   So if your annual salary is $50,000, you will receive 11% of $50,000 in SG payments – or $5,500 into […]

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Here at First Super, we walk the walk when it comes to delivering a quality service to members. We have a team of Regional Coordinators across the country assisting our members and employers with their superannuation needs, and we also offer financial advice. And we’ve got a dedicated Member Services Team just a phone call […]

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  If you’re a homeowner aged 55 or over, you can boost your super with proceeds from the sale of your main residence as part of the ‘downsizer’ scheme. The ‘downsizer’ contribution scheme lets you make a lump sum contribution from the net sale proceeds of your main residence into your super. Until last year, […]