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First Super welcomed members and other stakeholders from across the country to its Annual Members’ Meeting on Tuesday 19 November. The Fund hosted live events at the Jasper Hotel in Melbourne and the Traralgon Greyhound Racing Club. For the first time, the event was also live streamed, so that members unable to attend in person […]

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After a huge year for creative communications to our members, First Super walked away double winners at the AIST Awards for Excellence on 4 December. The Australian Institute for Superannuation Trustees (AIST) – which is the peak body for profit-to-member super funds – holds it awards program to recognise the achievements of funds like ours […]

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Industry Super Australia (ISA) has responded to recent media reports about how increasing the superannuation guarantee rate to 12% will affect everyday people in Australia. The Grattan Institute published a report in July 2019, based on its own forecasting, suggesting that an increase in super would mean an average worker would be about $30,000 worse […]

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Australian families will stand to lose nearly $250,000 in retirement savings if the push to cut the super increase by a group of backbench MPs is successful, new analysis reveals. Some Federal backbenchers want the Government to cut the promised increased in super contributions, breaking a key election promise and denying local families the retirement […]

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First Super makes MySuper Top Ten

The super regulator’s recent review of super fund performance named First Super as sixth out of 85 providers, as industry super funds continue to lead the market. Industry Super Australia (ISA) has used latest figures from the super industry regulator to rank the country’s 60 registered MySuper products – and First Super made the top […]

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Don’t panic on investments

Amid concerns about a possible recession, a share markets expert explains why now is not the time to make a panicked decision on your super investment option. Rising talks of a recession, interest rates moving towards negative territory and tumbling stock markets have given people plenty of reason to worry. However, letting the negative data […]

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Annual Members’ Meeting 2019

All First Super members are invited to our Annual Members’ Meeting on Tuesday 19 November. Members of the Trustee Board and Executive Management Team will be on hand to provide an update on: how your super fund performed over the past financial year; changes to super legislation; and what’s planned within the Fund for the […]

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With crediting rates for the Fund confirmed, First Super will soon be sending out your annual member statement. The pack will have full details of your super account, investment performance and insurance benefits for the 2018/19 financial year. During September, you will receive your printed statement in the mail or an e-statement by email if […]