First Super Resources 5
First Super Resources 5
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For members


First SuperSuper contributions calculator This calculator will show you how much extra savings you’ll have from making extra contributions to your super. It will also show you (if applicable) estimated annual tax savings.
First SuperRetirement Projection calculator Want to know how much retirement savings you’ll have when you retire and how long it will last? This Retirement Projection calculator will do just that. The calculator also includes the Age Pension.
ATOEmployee SG calculator The employee superannuation guarantee (SG) calculator is designed to help you determine whether you are eligible for SG contributions, and whether your employer is paying the correct amount.
MetLife Insurance calculator There are many factors that affect the level of cover you may need. Find out how much insurance cover you could need if something was to happen to you.
MetlifeInsurance cost calculator This quick calculator will help you understand the cost of your insurance premiums by providing you with a quote.
MoneysmartRetirement Planner Helps you work out what income you’re likely to have after you retire, how to increase your retirement income, and what you can do to boost your super.
SuperRatingsSuper comparison tool Compares First Super’s performance with other funds.
MoneysmartSuperannuation calculator Helps you work out how much super you’ll have when you retire and how fees affect your final payout.
MoneysmartSuper contributions optimiser Helps you work out which type of super contribution will give your super the biggest boost and how to make super contributions.
MoneysmartSuper co-contribution calculator Find out how much Government co-contribution you can get when you put extra into your super.
Industry SuperFundsTransition to Retirement This calculator is a useful and straightforward tool to help you work out how you could transition to retirement by looking at your current and future retirement goals.