Find your lost super with First Super
Find your lost super with First Super
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there’s nearly $14B* of lost super out there.

Is any of it yours? We can help you find it.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) reports that there are around 400,000 unclaimed super accounts across the country worth $14 billion*.

Lost super means lost retirement savings

You could be paying multiple, unnecessary fees and insurance premiums for every ‘lost’ account you have. These unnecessary fees whittle away your retirement savings.

How does super become lost?

If your super fund can’t contact you or your account becomes inactive ^ your account is reported as ‘lost’. Making contributions to your account and keeping your address details up to date helps ensure your account does not become lost.

How to find lost super?

1. Search via your firstonline account

Log in to your firstonline account, go to ‘My Transactions’ and select ‘Find your lost super’.

Enter a few details, including your Tax File Number (TFN), and the online search will tell you in seconds if there’s other super outside your First Super account that belongs to you.

2. Let us search for you

Call our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988 with your member number and TFN, and we’ll do the rest.

Consider combining any lost super to your First Super account

If you find any lost super balances, combining them to your First Super account means:

  • You’ll have just one super account and pay just one set of fees.
  • All your super is together, benefiting from compounding investment returns.
  • It’s easier to monitor and manage your super – less paperwork, less passwords!

Before transferring out of any other super fund it’s important to consider:

  • The quality of service you can expect and want from your super fund. First Super provides reliable and experienced service, including our Member Services phone team, our inhouse Financial Advice team and local co-ordinators across regional Australia, all ready to assist you.
  • The appropriate level of insurance you need. You can apply to transfer insurance you hold at another fund to First Super by completing an Application to Transfer Insurance Cover form. This needs to be done before combining your super account.
  • Any fees that may be applicable.
  • If you’re in a defined benefit account.

To combine your super accounts, follow the information in firstonline or speak to our Member Services team on 1300 360 988.


How does First Super search for my other accounts?

We use an Australian Taxation Office (ATO) tool called SuperMatch. This tool has been built into our own system and our member portal, firstonline, to give you a smooth, easy way to search for other super accounts and then combine these funds in to your First Super account. You can withdraw your consent by updating your contact details.

Why do you need my Tax File Number (TFN) for the search?

SuperMatch uses your TFN to search for other unclaimed super in your name. So we need your consent to use your TFN to:

  • access the service and search ATO records for any super balances in your name that are held by the ATO or by another super fund. Once you give us your consent, we can conduct searches on your behalf on an ongoing basis; and
  • allow the transfer of any ATO-held super found during a SuperMatch search into your First Super account.

If the search does find extra super belonging to me, what do I do next?

Although you don’t need to do anything, you may like to consider combining your super into one account, including your First Super account.

By tracking down any lost super balances and combining them to your First Super account, you’ll pay just one set of fees and have just one account, making it easier to keep track of your savings.

Before transferring out of any other super fund it’s important to consider:

  • The quality of service you can expect and want from your super fund. First Super provides reliable and experienced service, including our Member Services phone team, our inhouse Financial Advice team and local co-ordinators across regional Australia, all ready to assist you.
  • The appropriate level of insurance you need. You can apply to transfer insurance you hold at another fund to First Super by completing an Application to Transfer Insurance Cover form. This needs to be done before combining your super account.
  • Any fees that may be applicable.
  • If you’re in a defined benefit account.

The search has shown I have super held with the ATO. Do I have to transfer this to a super fund?

It’s your choice, but it’s worth knowing that although you don’t pay any fees on ATO-held amounts, you don’t have and can’t get insurance with that option.

Also, you can’t plan an investment strategy or manage asset allocations based on your particular circumstances. And, importantly, the only investment return you receive is interest paid at a level based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The current CPI rate can be found on the ABS website while our current investment returns are on our website.

If you consent for us to do so, any lost super held by the ATO will automatically be added to your First Super account. You can choose what you’d like to do with any amounts found in other super funds.

If you want to transfer to another fund you will need to get in touch with that fund and follow their process.

I’d like to go ahead with transferring money to First Super – what happens next?

The process for transferring your money out of the other super fund(s) and rolling into First Super is straightforward, but we may need to check some details with you.

Usually, First Super will get the funds into your account within 4 days, and we send you confirmation when this has occurred.

If you have not heard anything in the next 10 days or so, please call us. It may be the case that you need to contact the other fund to see why your request has not been completed.

What happens if the search doesn’t find any other super belonging to me?

It could be a good sign if we haven’t found any extra super. It suggests your super is already consolidated at First Super and that you’re not paying unnecessary fees on other accounts.

It is possible that there are additional super savings, but that the details provided don’t match any ATO records.

For this reason, the consent you give us will allow us to undertake searches on your behalf from time to time. Whenever we do this, we’ll let you know the results.

What happens if the search finds super with a Defined Benefit amount or has insurance cover included?

If your search finds an account that includes a defined benefit amount and/or has attached insurance, we strongly advise you to seek professional financial advice to help you weigh up the benefits of consolidation and to help you decide what to do with this account.

Defined benefit accounts are older style accounts and moving such amounts to your First Super account may not be in your best interests. Obtaining financial advice is particularly important in such instances.

If you have insurance benefits, it’s worth knowing what insurance you have or can apply for with your First Super account. This may help you to make a decision regarding consolidating your super.

We encourage you to get professional advice. You can book an appointment with a First Super Financial Planner.


If you have any questions, simply call our Member Services Team on 1300 360 988.

Issued by First Super Pty Limited (ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL 223988) as Trustee of First Super (ABN 56 286 625 181).

This page contains general advice only and does not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any decisions. You can obtain a PDS or TMD by calling 1300 360 988 or visiting our publications page.

*Latest ATO data available on 20 February 2023 (accurate as at 30 June 2020) 

^ Read the Product Disclosure Statement for more information about when your super is treated by us as lost.