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Fund performance for May

June 7th, 2014

First Super continued to show strong investment earnings to May 31, 2014.

In the super fund, Balanced (default) grew 10.57% financial year to date (FYTD) and 1.28% in the past three months.

Shares Plus was 14.79% and 1.04%.

Growth was 12.82% and 1.09%.

Conservative Balanced was 8.24% and 1.14%.

Cash was 2.51% and 0.63%.

In the pension fund, Balanced (default) grew 11.92% and 1.44%.

Shares Plus was 16.55% and 1.17%.

Growth was 14.01% and 1.26%.

Conservative Balanced was 9.36% and 1.30%.

Cash was 2.96% and 0.75%.